I want to ride my bicycle

I'm supposed to be helping Brennan plan our Europe trip right now. It is way too hard. Trying to decide what museums to visit and attempting to get tickets is proving to be quite the challenge. I understand why people use travel agencies now. Well since I need a good distraction I'm going to update the blog. Last week was jam-packed full of new experiences, fun adventures and a doctor's visit. Hang on tight while I tell you all about it.
Our festivities started off with going to see "Spiderman" on Tuesday. First off here in Silicon Valley $5  Tuesdays turn into $6.50 Tuesdays. say what? But at least we still got a deal instead of paying for $13 a ticket.   Also, one of my students from my old job was visiting family in the area so he came with us! It was great for me to catch up with him and see how everything is going back at the school. The movie was great. Best movie I've seen all summer. The best part was all the awkward high school scenes.

So for the past three weeks, I've had a lot of back/shoulder/neck pain but I just stretch it out the best I can every morning and deal with it. Well, this week it started hurting a lot more than normal, so bad that I could barely move out of bed and get dressed. Well Wednesday I was at work and I kept on straining my arm in different ways and it kept hurting worse and worse. Finally, I couldn't take the pain any longer. It hurt so bad then even just the movement of breathing caused immense pain. I took some ibuprofen at work and my co-workers strongly encouraged me to go to the doctor. Usually, I don't do the whole doctor thing, and I think if I was not at work being pressured I would have skipped it, but I succumbed to their peer pressure and had Brennan leave work early and take me to the doctor. Getting to the doctor is quite the story. Brennan just knew we had to go to our insurance provider he didn't quite understand the differences between clinics, urgent cares, and emergency rooms. So after visiting a clinic, then an emergency room (and me refusing to go in) we finally made it to an urgent care and I was seen by a doctor. Of course, nothing was actually wrong with me. But the doctor did say that I had strained my muscle (ok duh) and she told me not to work for the rest of the week (like that would ever happen) and she also gave me a nice big pain blocking shot, which was the best part. Getting that shot helped me have a much needed long night's rest. After the doctor we were so hungry and went to Dennys where I just drank the pain away with a birthday cake milkshake :)    Brennan made me stay home from work the next day, which I was kind of upset about, BUT it was a very needed rest. I was able to rest my neck and shoulder and ice it all day so it felt oh so better by the next day. From this experience, I've learned my lesson about the importance of always stretching after physical activity and to not be stupid and go to doctors for lame reasons and Brennan learned why you should go to Urgent Care instead of the Emergency Room. 

Friday night Brennan went to his first Major League Baseball Game! What a milestone!!  My work was doing a group discount deal at the A's game so we got cheap tickets and had a great time. Because our section was full of staff from summer camp, we basically did camp cheers and sang camp songs the whole time. It was a blast. Brennan handled the craziness quite well and even sang some of the songs. Also, we randomly sat by a staffer from another camp location who was wearing a BYU shirt. We found out that her husband was here for an internship and she just needed a summer job, same story different town! #smallworld   While we were at the game I learned all about the A's and where the team came from and why an elephant is their mascot. I feel so smart now. Also, it was bark in the park so there were lots of dogs there. And the jumbo screen just kept showing people and their dogs. And I would hate to be on clean up duty. 
Saturday was another San Francisco day! We met some of my relatives in the city and rented bikes to go across the bridge. Such a fun adventure. It was crazy foggy going over the Golden Gate Bridge but it was super pretty. We rode to Sausalito and had a nice lunch. Then we rode to Tiburon and explored that city. We were planning on taking the ferry back but the first ferry didn't have enough room for us so we ended up taking a nap on the grass while we waited for the second ferry. Overall a pretty great day and bike ride. Oh and let me tell you the best part. We rented electric bikes, which meant we could turn the peddle assist on and it would basically push you up the hill. It felt like we had a magic bike no joke. We would pass the intense bikers and they would look up in awe. It made the long bike ride super chill and easy. Bikes with motors are my new favorite thing.

We ended the day with Ghiradelli round two! This time we got a sundae that had brownies in it. I'm pretty sure Ghiradelli brownies are going to be in heaven because they are the best tasting brownies around. After stuffing our faces with ice cream we filled up another bag of chocolate to take home with us and shuffled our way home.

Today in church Brennan gave a talk. He is the best speaker around. Everyone told him his talk was great and he basically had a fan club after church. He talked about the different ways that we bear testimonies. He's a champ and the talks with the Spirit. 


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