krennan kamping

Brennan says that I start every post with how fast time is flying so I will refrain from mentioning that in my opening paragraph. However, I will mention that the views of this blog are dropping dramatically, so make sure you read my posts, or else I will have no reason to write them!

 The highlight of this week was our weekend camping trip, but before I get to that let's rewind and start at the beginning. For work this week we had fewer kids at camp, so I was asked to work at another location where they needed more staff. I worked in San Carlos which is just a couple of miles from where Brennan works so we got to carpool every day to work. That was sweet. At the San Carlos camp, I had the opportunity to work with the younger age group (the Kindergarteners) and I had the most fun time. They are sweet and innocent and love playing any game you tell them. We played with the parachute one day and that was probably the best day all week. These kids could stay entertained with a parachute for hours. Up and down and around and hiding under the parachute, so fun. I admit that I am actually starting to really love my job and working with kids is such a pleasure.

Another fun event that happened occurred was that one my of students from my old job in Utah was home visiting his family, in this area. I had the opportunity to visit him and hear how he's doing and how the school is. Brennan came along too, and we both enjoyed having dinner with a boy with autism, who still struggles with social learning but has the biggest heart and says the funniest things.

Oh yeah and the Fourth of July happened. Usually, on the Fourth of July, you spend time with family and friends and got to picnics in the park. Well since we have no friends, and our closest family member preferred to stay away from the noise on the Fourth of July we were forced to celebrate alone. I also had to work that day so we didn't have time to do a lot of fun activities. We managed to make a picnic dinner and ate it outside then drove to watch some fireworks in a nearby town. Not the greatest way to celebrate, but hey it worked. I also made my mother's traditional berry flag cake so that made it a legit celebration #HomeIsWhereTheSweetsAre

So camping. fun. One of my best friends from Anacortes, Kymberly Payne (Stone) lives about 40 minutes away from us here in California with her husband. Their ward was having a campout and they invited us along. So basically we just hung out with each other all night and played games and ate the s'mores that the ward brought.  It was Brennan's and my first time camping together, we got to try out our new tent and camping mats and sleeping bag. I loved every minute of it. We roasted hotdogs over the fire for dinner and ate yummy s'mores as well as other various junk food. We stayed up playing card games and then had fun squishing in our tent. 10/10 for krennan kamping.  Saturday morning as we drove back to the Oakland area where my friend lives. On our way back we stopped at the Oakland Temple. The view from that temple is stunning. The day was so clear that we could actually see the Golden Gate Bridge! It was our first time seeing it!

Upon returning to home base Brennan and I went to the Arts and Wine Festival. Not your everyday Utah festival. We focused more on the art part and less on the wine part. We ate some shaved ice to keep cool and wandered around the many booths of artists. I also got my fair share of free things from booths (namely two water bottles, and a bell for a bike). We also got free ice cream. I tell you, that college part of me will never leave, I'm too good at getting free things.


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