Ain't nothin finer in the land, then the mighty Cougar Marching Band

Fall is here and with it a new semester and marching band! I spent the week before school marching and practicing 11 hours a day. I was swamped with new music and new ways to march, >but I survived band camp and lived to see our first home game, BYU vs UW. It was very nerve-breaking to march out onto a field surrounded by a packed stadium, but all went well and I didn't faint due to heat exhaustion, though it was quite hot and I was wearing a wool uniform. The band is quite exhilarating and I'm always meeting new people or learning new things.
The new semester is also going well, I'm trying to keep up in all my classes as my homework time competes with my marching band time. My favorite class is Book of Mormon, I love discovering new insights when I read.


  1. you forgot the part about not knowing all the random cheers that you were supposed to somehow magically know already. That is my favorite part. I can't wait to see you march in a few weeks!

  2. that was suppose to be a secret.....


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