Happiest Cruise on Earth

15 people, 7 cabins, 5 days, 1 Disney Dream. This was the first time I have ever experienced acruise and hopefully it will not be the last. My family, plus my grandma and my aunt and uncle and cousin all were apart of this amazing adventure. The cruise went to Disney's private island Castaway Cay, then to Nassau in the Bahamas then back to Castaway Cay. It was probably the best week of my year. I loved being next to the ocean constantly it gave me such a peaceful happy feeling. Here are the highlights from the cruise:

Color of the cruise: Yellow. Before the cruise I purchased 2 new pair of shoes, both yellow, and I wore both apair many times, with yellow shirts. I enjoyed looking like summer when the weather was so nice out.

Word of the cruise: Multumesc. This means "thank you" in Romanian. Our waiter at dinner was from Romanian and taught it to me so I continued to use it all week whenever he brought me food. He would even anser in Romanian, it was like our own private conversation because no one else knew what we were saying.

Food of the cruise: Mangos, Pineapple, ice cream, and escargot. There were fresh mangos on Castaway Cay that were so delicious. My taste buds will never feel so good again. Also there was fresh pineapple, and I ate pineapple on the boat whenever we were at a buffet. There were self-serve soft ice cream machines on the boat and on the island, so whenever we got too hot we went and ate ice cream. It was marvelous to have that much ice cream under my control. I also tried for the first time in my life escargot. It tasted like thick noodles soaked in garlic. Quite interesting.

Course of the cruise: Dessert. I loved eating dessert and got really excited when it was dessert time. The waiter even gave me 2 dessert menus once, and on the last night he gave me 6! I loved eating dessert.

Most valuable crew member: This is a tie between Pierre Luc and Mircea. Pierre Luc was on the cruise staff and was in charge of a many family activities such as the 5K run (which I ran AND finished) and different trivia games. Mircea was our waiter at dinner, he was fun to talk to and always made me laugh.

song of the cruise: (insert any and every Disney song) Disney music was constantly playing in the hallways, I was always surrounded by the sound of Disney.

All in all the Disney Cruise was fabulous and I wish I could live on the ship for the rest of my life. I love Disney Magic!!


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