The Barracks

Ok so some more funny army stories.  Like I had mentioned, I am fascinated by military life, I think that everything is quite neat.  I get to drive on post two or three times week for work,and whenever we are driving around I always just stare out the window at all the army personnel. I am always full of questions about the army and how certain logistics work.  Luckily I met two soldiers in the YSA branch to answer all my questions.  One evening I was with them and I asked them what their barracks looked like.  They thought that was a weird question but preceded to answer in, then one of them stopped in the middle and said “we can just show”  My first thought is “I’m actually allowed in the barracks?”  So we pulled up to the first soldier’s barracks and we have to go through the front door and he has to sign me in and I have to show ID. This seems way legit to me.  The lobby looked fun enough, there were table games and comfy couches and chairs.  We first stopped in the laundry room so he could change his laundry.  But I was so excited, seeing a huge laundry room where soldiers did their own laundry.  So then we went up to his bedroom, which reminds me a ton of just dorm rooms. There is a nice little kitchen with a table, a bathroom and then two private bedrooms.  They also have to keep their barracks clean, so I was super impressed that boys could actually be so clean.  After I saw the room we came to leave through the front entrance and the guard at the desk who signed me in says “that’s it, you just came to help him with laundry.”  and I told him I just really wanted to see what the barracks looked like. and then he proceeded to mimic me and put huge  fake smile on his face and said “ oh wow cool barracks.”  and I said , yeah exactly and he just laughed at me.  whatever.    

So here are some stalker pictures I took of army men during PT. I was doing my morning run and they were just out there exercising.  But isn't it so cool to see people exercise in formation? 


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