Burnt grilled cheese sandwiches and other wife fails

We moved to California about three weeks ago and I keep telling myself I need to write in my blog again, as you can see from the last entry it was more than a year ago. Sometimes I just need encouragement to write, and good thing I have a friend that kind of nudged me to keep up my blog, so here it goes.

As the title suggests, since moving out to California I have had multiple wife fails that after they happened are really funny, so why not share them. 

#1 The grilled cheese sandwich
             We have a fresh basil plant so I was really excited to make tomato basil bisque and then some grilled cheese sandwiches to go with it, plus it was within the first week of moving here and we hadn't really gotten a lot of food yet. Well I put the pan on the stove, sliced the cheese, put the bread on the pan with the cheese. I was trying to wait for the cheese to melt a little bit, but then suddenly it smelled really bad and I grabbed the spatula and looked at the underside of the bread, and it was black as a panther. I tried not to give up and I didn't want to waste the cheese so I scraped the cheese off and put it on another piece of bread and started cooking it. I don't even know what happened next, but suddenly the bread was black again, and another piece of cheese wasted. At this point, I just gave up, I mean who burns TWO grilled cheese sandwiches in a row? I brought the soup over to the table and told Brennan we were just having soup for dinner. He wasn't too stoked about that idea, so he went over to the stove and carefully made a sandwich, it was barely grilled because he was scared to burn it. On the bright side, the soup turned out really good. 

#2 Keeping a plant alive
             Why is it so hard to keep plants alive? I thought all they needed was some water and some sunshine. Apparently not. My grandma gave us a basil plant which is way cool because I really love basil seasoning in almost anything, so it was going to be so cool to have fresh leaves whenever I wanted them. The instructions on the plant say that it's an indoor plant and that it just needs water and sun. LIES.   I give the plant water, and I put it by the window to try to give it sun and it has started sagging and leans towards one side, and a couple of stems have turned brown. Apparently, I'm not meant to have a plant or at least a live one.  

#3 Washing the Wallet 
         Is this everyone's worst nightmare? Not checking clothes before you put them in the washing machine. I'm usually good at this, but the fact is I just don't put things in my pockets except for the occasional scrap of paper, Brennan keeps lots of things in his pants pockets and I guess sometimes he doesn't empty them, and then wife Kacy comes along and just dumps the laundry basket in the washing machine. Well as I am grabbing clothes to put in the dryer I see this nice black square and realize it's his wallet......oops. I came into the bedroom and was like sooooo I washed your wallet...............he kind of freaked out at first but then I gave it to him and he just took out all his cards and cash and laid them on the counter to dry. His cards still worked and the cash dried, so no major harm done.  But that's the last time I don't do a pocket check before dumping clothes in the washer. 

#4 Windshield Problems
               To start off I want to point out that I have never had the need to clean the inside of my car windshield, once in a while I might wipe a spot off but I've never cleaned the whole thing. Well living in California near big cities and wildfires has someone made the inside of our windshield really dirty. So me being the genius I think I am, grabbed some Windex and paper towels and cleaned that sucker.  Well turns out that I made the windshield look a million times worst and left streaks everywhere so now it's even harder to see out of. So then I googled how to clean the windshield and all the advice says "Don't Use Windex."  Well that's helpful after the fact.  I'm still trying to figure out to clean that windshield, I've learned that you can't use paper towels and that you need an alternative cleaning solution.  


  1. I loved this so much because I could hear your voice as I read it. Good to know about the Windex! After watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I would have thought Windex fixed everything! 2. I am SO blonde, but as I was reading about your grilled cheese escapade, you said it was "black as a panther." And then I had the thought, panthers are black? haha And then I remembered the movie, Black Panther... haha. I can relate to the washing thing. After we bought our BRAND new washer and dryers I was extra cautious to not wash anything that shouldn't be washed. But in the first 3 cycles I managed to wash a belt, 2 pens and 10 bobby pins! haha whoops.

    Thanks for writing!


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