The End is Near

We have enjoyed our time in California so much and Brennan is so in love with his job, and I am addicted to Ghiradelli Chocolate that we have decided to come back! That's right Brennan has been offered a full-time position with EA next year and we couldn't be more thrilled! Let me brag about Brennan for a second because he is too humble to do it himself. He has been working extremely hard this summer making sure he got all his projects done and always having a very professional persona. During his last two weeks, he had to present to a group of higher ups about what he learned/gained during the internship. He gave a great presentation and they said that it was the best presentation they have ever seen from an intern.  Also, one of the top leaders in EA Finance said that he is one the best intern they have ever had! I don't think I will ever be able to express how proud I am of my husband. Not only did he knock his internship out of the park but he did a great job at balancing family and church while working this summer. He always had plenty of time for me as you see from our many adventures. When I was sick he took time off of work to help me, when I wanted to do something fun on a weekday he would come home as fast as he could to go on an adventure with me. There were days when I would come home from working at summer camp and I was so exhausted so he made dinner for us even though I know he was tired too. Every Sunday he played the piano for elders quorum and this summer he gave a talk and a lesson in our ward. He is the knees bees best and every day I am grateful for him and that he's mine for eternity.

Alright now, let me back up a little to talk about the last couple of weeks. Since my summer camp finished I didn't want to stay at home all day with nothing to do. So I went to my family reunion week and then spent a couple of days in Washington with my family. The family reunion was chaotic but great. We had about 70 people there and we stayed up in a lodge in Idaho. Some of my highlights were going river rafting ( I had never gone before and was terrified of falling off and hitting rocks, but it turned out to be boat loads of fun), having a family talent show (or maybe un-talent show) and having an epic cousin dance party and playing games late into the night. I also enjoyed spending time with my cute nephews who are still the most adorable boys in the world.

While in Anacortes my friend Cami from Utah came to visit. She also majored in rec therapy so we spent the days recreating, we biked, hiked, paddle boarded, and sailed. Madeline came with us for many of our activities and it was great spending time with her too.  Except sometimes she would just want to read Harry Potter so I had to remind her that I was more important than Harry Potter. 

Back in California Brennan counted the days until I came home. But he was able to prepare for his presentation and interview without me distracting him or begging him to come recreate with me. He also never went grocery shopping while I was gone, so the good news is that we don't have food that will rot while we are in Europe. The bad news is that we need to make a grocery run. It was great to see each other again after ten days, however, the day after I got home I flew to Utah for some job interviews. I am getting tired of flying on planes and it's only just begun because our Europe trip is around the corner and we will be flying for a long time. It was a hectic day for me in Utah as I had my interviews but both went really well so we'll see what September brings. 

Big mile stone for us happened this last week! We celebrated our one year anniversary!!! And when I say celebrate I mean we video chatted with each other because I was in Washington. But our Europe trip will be our celebration.  Here is a slide show of our first year together.

Brennan had his last day of work today! His finance team went out for India food and then there was a massive intern party where they all played FIFA. That's the kind of parties that happen at video game companies. We are busily trying to plan and get ready for Europe. It's going to be the adventure of our lives and we are quite excited but also a little nervous since we've never done this before! 


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