Hola friends! Beginning June 21st I have been attending Brigham Young University in Provo Utah. Currently majoring in Communications. I love BYU and everyone here. The best part of living in the hot dry desert commonly known as Utah, is that I get to see my non-Washington family at least every other day. It is so neat to be with them all the time, we go on crazy adventures and always create memories. The most recent activity I have participated in was, the worlds largest water balloon fight! We got free t-shirts and threw water balloons at everyone. Our clothes were drenched, but it's so hot here that the water soon evaporated off of our clothes and we were dry once again. My roommates are amazing and we always find time to laugh, and not do dishes. Maren and I do so much together that when we are apart we get worried about the other one and has to call them to make sure they are okay.
Fall is here and with it a new semester and marching band! I spent the week before school marching and practicing 11 hours a day. I was swamped with new music and new ways to march, > but I survived band camp and lived to see our first home game, BYU vs UW. It was very nerve-breaking to march out onto a field surrounded by a packed stadium, but all went well and I didn't faint due to heat exhaustion, th ough it was quite hot and I was wearing a wool uniform. The band is quite exhilarating and I'm always meeting new people or learning new things. The new semester is also going well, I'm trying to keep up in all my classes as my homework time competes with my marching band time. My favorite class is Book of Mormon, I love discovering new insights when I read.
Last weekend was my birthday and also National Public Lands Day, which translates to free day at National Parks. Well, I jumped at this opportunity to explore Muir Woods because usually, it is $10 a person for a day pass and Brennan and I are frugal people (sometimes). I planned the day out very well because there were many things I wanted to see in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area after we were done exploring Muir Woods. The evening before we left I made a power point Presentation and presented it to Brennan so he would have a clear picture of everything we were going to do. He's a business major and sometimes you just have to speak his language, through excel sheets and power points. It took a lot of planning because we had to get parking reservations and work out all the timings right. We left early in the morning to get there by 8:00am. For Muir Woods, you either have to pay to have parking reservations or pay to ride the shuttle to the park entrance. It's a sma...
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