campus taken over

I was in the HFAC the other day studying for a final, and it just so happened that this day was the same day that the young musician music camp aka music major wanna be's. I decided that these kids are worse then efy kids. They walk around the HFAC like they own it. They practice in the practice rooms, run up and down the stairs and act like they're cool musicians. Ok so maybe they are talented kids, BUT they aren't cool enough to own the HFAC and I miss my quiet place in the HFAC to study.
Speaking of efy kids, I am officially frightened by them. I went to sit on a bench outside of the WILK, however I chose to sit on this bench at the same time as efy lunch. Therefore I was surrounded by younglins. As I sat on my bench I began to feel outnumbered and left out. Everyone around me had a group of kids to sit with. I was all alone and older then most of them. I felt alone, so I left my bench and found refuge somewhere away from those kids.


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