Craft attempt
Well, I've decided to maybe actually start keeping a real blog, because actually I do the funniest/stupidest things and I think that other people should be able to laugh or learn from my mistakes. Mostly ever since getting married in August and also graduating from college I've tried to become more responsible and more mature....has that happened? No, but at least I am trying. Sometimes I cook dinner, sometimes it doesn't turn out. I think I could make a tv show about myself and call it hopeless wife. So on that track let me tell you about my failed craft attempt today. Back story, I am actually really bad at art, I don't have patience, and I just don't have the eye and hand coordination to make anything look good. I would rather do things really fast then spend a long time trying to figure out what colors and shapes look good together. Our apartment right now is pretty barren because I don't have cutesy picture frames or decorations that I made to make it look...